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Information about our dance classes

Information about our dance classes


Below, we have summarized for you what you can expect from which teacher during the school year. We hope this will help you choose which type of classes would be the most suitable for you.

Hajdú-Ráfis Lili classes:

You can mainly learn choreography in Lili’s classes, although she always plans to practice routines with her beginner group in order to improve. If you also want to learn different choreographies in countless styles, such as hip-hop, Afro, or unique ideas created by the teacher, we look forward to seeing you at Lili’s classes!

Csató Dalma classes:

At Dalma’s, you can also find basics, routines and hip-hop choreographies colored by her own style, but in addition to these, freestyle also will be playing a role throughout the classes. Whether it’s more girly moves or more energetic choreographies, it’s certain that you won’t get bored and you’ll be able to learn a lot from her.

Sudár Heni classes:

Heni, other than the basic steps, routines, freestyle and cypher exercises, also plans to work with you on video projects. Through it, you can fully immerse yourself in the mysteries of hip-hop and house style, whether you are a beginner or an advanced dancer.

Tillinger Alex classes:

In Alex’s beginner hip-hop classes, we focus on learning the basics, we will learn their names, variations, and techniques. In the more advanced classes, you will encounter a lot of routines, more complex choreographies, line and movement coordination tasks, and freestyle.

In addition, other styles are occasionally given space in the class, such as house, popping or locking. If you want varied and colorful classes, Alex will be the perfect choice.

Varga Zsolt classes:

Routines and choreographies are also expected in these classes. Then, if you would like to learn classic hip-hop dances, in addition to Zsolt’s unique choreographies, he will be the best choice for you. We especially recommend these classes to those who like cheerful and fun choreography classes.

Móritz Dani Vogue classes:

With Dani, the beginners will focus more on vogue style technique in addition to routine and choreography, while with the advanced you will also practice improvisation and battles. Of course, routines and choreographies can be expected in both classes!

If you are interested in the world of vogue, this is your place!
