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Dance school

Master Dance has been working professionally since 2015. It is now one of the most popular hip-hop, vogue, and dance choreography schools in Budapest. We have over 200 students and two studios. We are proud of our community and the fact that our students always leave classes full of energy and happiness.

Our mission

Dance is not just a form of movement, but self-expression and a lifestyle. We want to be able to inspire others with our dance. We consider it important to reach as many people as possible. Let's motivate and move the world. Let's give positivity in everyday life.

Our goal

The goal of our dance school is to become the most recognized dance school in Hungary in the next two years.


In addition to the dance, we are waiting for you with a great team. The power of Master Dance lies in the community. Here, everyone makes friends quickly. Be a part of it now!

Our vision

Master Dance provides the best environment for students, parents, and dance teachers for dance classes. It is important to create a homely, real community space where our students can develop. We operate as a family, a close-knit community. From the moment you step in for the first time, you will always feel as if you have arrived home. We pay attention to development in a personalized way. For us, the everyday success of our students is also important.

Dance classes

Our goal is to introduce the essence and the point of hip-hop and street dances to everyone who wishes to dance. From beginners to advanced, everyone can find the best group for them. We help our beginner students to learn secure and stable foundations needed for dance. We pay attention to the fact that even though the routine tasks must be demonstrated in class, our students can take their first dance steps with confidence. We give our advanced students continuous motivation for further development and to preserve their creativity. We provide them to show their skills on stage as well.


Our workshops have a really special and uplifting atmosphere. The purpose of these programs is to further develop your dancing skills. We always make sure that you get extra impulse and motivation. These events now give us a huge boost, as we get something new from each other. We are sure that you will leave the dance room recharged and inspired. At our combined events, you can meet not only your group mates but also the entire MD family.

Our dance teachers

Tillinger Alex
MD Dance Teacher

Tillinger Alex

Alex is one of the most outstanding young talents in the Hungarian dance world. He achieved podium positions in competitions countless times. Both at the team level and individually. Last but not least, Alex is one of the few dancers who can perform both freestyle and choreography at a high level. In our dance school, he has the deepest knowledge of the basics of old-school hip-hop. It is important to him to teach his students about dance and its culture from its deepest roots. Reference: Flying Bodies & Collective Dope: You are the Flow Show Huawei Flashmob Show Orpheum Hollywood show Strand Festival opening show Big Duet 2017-2018 Hip Hop International small group 2nd place Hip Hop International mega crew 1st place
Hajdú-Ráfis Lili
MD Dance Teacher

Hajdú-Ráfis Lili

Lili's love and passion for dance have been already evident at the age of 5. She has been participating in domestic and international competitions for 11 years, where she almost always achieved a podium position and was proud of many special awards. Every year, she visits dozens of domestic and foreign workshops to deepen her knowledge and regularly updates it with the best in the field. She feels at home in several styles and diversity is important to her. She is full of energy and cheerfulness, which she tries to pass on to his students as much as possible together with her knowledge so that everyone leaves her classes feeling refreshed. Results: Euro Show Dance Fest-Professional Hip Hop Solo 1st place International Dance Open-Professional Hip Hop Solo 1st place Dance Universum International Dance Competition-Professional Hip Hop Solo 1st place + Special prize for the most technical dancer Rhythm Teams National Dance Competition-Professional Hip Hop Solo 2nd place Fusion Dance Contest-Professional Hip Hop Solo 3rd place
Móritz Dániel
MD Dance Teacher

Móritz Dániel

Dani is a real international person, the pride of our country, who constantly conquers foreign vogue balls. He is the pioneer of the Hungarian (vogue) ball culture. His main profile is the vogue dance style, but he is also proficient in the break and hip-hop styles. His joining our team has added even more color to the palette of our dance school. Reference: UFEA Super Cup 2020 Planning Duality Kiki Ball - Oslo - Two 1st place Grand Prize - Hands vs Arms on the Sci-Fi Kiki Ball IDO Worldchampionship Crew Battle - 1st place Met Ball - London - Arms Control 1st place Music TV Ball - Berlin - New Way 1st place Eat Slay Love - Vienna - Arms Control & Vogue to Everything 1st place
Varga Zsolt
MD Dance Teacher

Varga Zsolt

Zsolt is a real energy bomb. He always enters the classes positively. His goal is to get the most out of each student and fill them with a love of dance. He teaches and dances outstandingly in several styles. Always humble and exemplary. He pours his heart and soul into each lesson to create a good atmosphere. He is one of the most popular dance teachers in our country, who constantly travels around the world to learn and teach. He is a pillar member of the Master Dance dance school. He is also responsible for the choreography of our productions. Reference: UFEA Super Cup 2020 - Planning Tesla Theater Play 2020 - Dancer Huawei Flashmob 2019 - choreographer Freelusion Amar 2018 - dancer Total Dance Festival 2018 - choreographer X-Factor 2017 - dancer
Csató Dalma
MD Dance Teacher

Csató Dalma

(Magyar) Dalma a táncórákon mindig is kiemelkedett, és aktívan részt vett az MD életében, mivel többször helyettesített és a fellépéseken is erősítette a csapatot. Mostantól az oktatói gárda szerves része lesz. Mindig lelkesen, szorgalmasan és kreatívan vág bele egy-egy projektbe, és a pozitív energiák, amelyeket átad, mindenkit feltöltenek. Kitartásának és tehetségének köszönhetően már fiatalon olyan nagyszabású produkciókban vett részt, mint a Sziget Fesztivál által szervezett Exhibition Battle, és hazánk egyik legnépszerűbb előadójának, Krúbinak a nagykoncertjén is fellépett a Papp László Budapest Sportarénában. Dalma Hip-Hopot fog oktatni nálunk ősztől.
Sudár Heni
MD Dance Teacher

Sudár Heni

(Magyar) Heni főként Hip-Hop és House stílusban fog tanítani nálunk, így ilyen koreográfiákra számíthattok az óráin, ahol a jó hangulat garantált. Heni számtalan helyen képezte már magát külföldön is, gyakori vendég az olyan európai nagyvárosokban tartandó workshopokon, mint Malmö, Bécs vagy Rotterdam. Megtiszteltetés számunkra, hogy ezt a sok tapasztalatot mostantól diákjainkkal is megoszthatja. Fontosnak tartjuk a folyamatos fejlődést, és ezt Heni abszolút megtestesíti, hiszen nemcsak a tánc világában, hanem magánéletében és tanulmányai során is erre törekszik, amit mind követendő példának tartunk.

Back to the timetable

Apply to us too!

    Monday - Wednesday

    Tuesday - Thursday

    Wednesday - Friday


    Single Ticket3 500 Ft
    Monthly pass for 1 group*17 000 Ft
    Monthly pass for 2 groups28 000 Ft
    Unlimited monthly pass32 000 Ft
    Semi-monthly**12 000 Ft
    1 Friday group12 000 Ft
    2 Friday group17 000 Ft
    * Monthly pass: Applies to the given month. ** Half-month pass: If you can only attend half of your group's classes. You can pay by cash, bank card, bank transfer, or online.