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2024 Summer information

2024 Summer information


Summer is approaching, and with it the period of vacations, rest and free time, but the doors of the dance school are still open for you. Throughout June, we will continue teaching according to the usual timetable. You can find the current schedule on the website:

The gala groups are closed until June 15th, and after that you can join any of them till the end of the month. We look forward to seeing you at the dance classes! The biggest event of the school year will undoubtedly be the double gala show, for which you can still buy tickets either as a performer or by inviting your loved ones to participate in the event as the audiance! Invite your friends and family members so that they can also get a look at MD’s life! Tickets can be purchased in person at the studio or online:

As you already know, our dance camp will be held in three rounds in July. We are very happy that we will meet most of you in the camps and have new unforgettable experiences together! We still have free places in the first round, which should be booked in time: We will inform you about all information about the camp in the description on the link.

Another good news is that you won’t be without dance lessons even in the summer! There will be classes in July and August as well, just with a reduced number of classes. We will send a notification about the exact schedule after the gala, and we will also upload the details of the course to the website.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! See you in the studio!

Greetings , MD Team