2024 High heels táncórák

We are excited to announce that in 2024 we will be bringing even more feminine energy, sensual styles, and high–heel techniques to MD, as from January you can attend high–heel classes every day.
On Mondays and Wednesdays from 20:00-21:00, Katja will be coming with beginner high–heels classes in English. During these classes, you will experience a soft and sensual atmosphere and learn through choreography the essential techniques for high–heel dancing.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 19:00 to 20:00 Bence will welcome you with high–heel techniques. Rotation, trains, floor elements, and everything related to this style.
On Fridays from 19:00-20:00 you can recharge your batteries with Bence’s forrobán-hot choreographies.
We welcome all high heels dancers from January!
MD Team