2022 Januári Beiratkozás
Továbbá itt megtaláljátok a teljes órarendünket. https://
5. Kerület, Semmelweis u. 1-3,
MD Team
The first semester has just passed, and we have been able to spend time together and get unforgettable memories together on countless joint programs. These included a movie night, free ForYou classes, random evenings at Puskin, a Vogue Ball, a Freestyle event, and last but not least, the traditional Christmas Gala Show.
We guarantee you that we will keep this energy in the next period and lift up the MD Lifestyle!
We look forward to seeing you in January if you want to dance in an amazing and friendly company and be part of similar awesome programs! Register now and get to know the MD Lifestyle!
Timetable: https://hiphoptanciskola.com/orarend/
Current MD members: We will automatically register you for the new semester, so you have nothing to do. See you in January!
Start: Monday, January 3rd
Venue: MD Dance Studio – Astoria, 5. District, Semmelweis u. 1-3,